This page links to external websites that we trust for their rating of restaurants.
Listings and Ratings for Monaco
Here are a selection of our favourite guides that list places to go in Monaco.
Guide Gantie
This gastronomic guide to Provence and the Cote d'Azur has been published annually since 1992 and is also available online. Jacques Gantie and his team concentrate on the written review, rather than the mere rating of places. Their rating system uses branches, which look like small palm leaves. A restaurant may have no branches, in which case it's listed, or from 1 branch to 4 branches.
One of the most famous tourist guides has been rating places since the early 20th century. Michelin awards 1 to 3 stars to restaurants, or may just list a restaurant, but the descriptive reviews are very short. The current website, viamichelin, is being developed and at time of writing (29 May 2008), it's not possible to create links to the listings.
Lonely Planet
We first used a Lonely Planet Guide to Singapore in the late 1980s when a friend told us it was good for Asia as it was published in Australia. The style reminded us of the British Rough Guides (see below). Places are listed with brief descriptions under where to sleep, where to eat or entertainment.
Rough Guide
I think the Rough Guides were originally written by people like us. We have an old one for Provence and the Cote d'Azur from about 1984 which contains just about the best description of Nice we've ever read. The brand has expanded from the original travel guides to lots of other things like music and culture. Places are listed online in the general guide to Monaco, but there's no real review or rating to speak of.
Started as a Paris guide, now published for the whole of France and with a separate edition for Provence/Cote d'Azur. Seems to be available only in hard copy, tho' a website Pudlo Guide is under construction.
Other Guides
Here are some of the travel guides and listings we've used and found helpful. Unfortunately these ones don't include places in Monaco.
Gault Millau
Not yet checked, currently unable to access website (24 June 2008).
Petit Fute
French guide that has plenty of listings and reviews for Nice, but unfortunately none online for Monaco.
Guide Routard
French guide similar to the Rough Guide that one of our friends told us about shortly after he moved to Nice. Unfortunately you have to pay to see the online listings.
Le Pitchoun
Free guide to living on the Cote d'Azur, especially strong on places in Nice. It's published every year by students of the EDHEC business school, but unfortunately doesn't include Monaco. Good written reviews by a bunch of students.
A fairly new and interesting website. However not based on insider knowledge.
Well known and popular American listings. Doesn't include Monaco.
The popular London guide also has online listings for cities worldwide. Although Monaco isn't included as a destination, there's a brief travel review of the Principality that mentions a couple of places.
A good French source for personal reviews. There are several places listed for Monaco, but most have only one or two recent reviews, and many are quite old.